Brugmansia Angel Trumpet

Brugmansia is a popular collector’s plant. There are seven species of Brugmansia but innumerable cultivars. The seven species are listed as extinct in the wild and today these plants are grown as ornamental specimens. Brugmansia are heavy feeders and require quite a bit of water. Good Brugmansia plant care will result in a small tree decorated with dangling trumpet-shaped flowers. Caring for Brugmansia outdoors requires warm temperatures and a sunny location with protection from the midday sun. Brugmansia are divided into two groups that are genetically and regionally different. The warm group prefers warmer, sunny locations while the cool group flowers best in cooler temperatures. Both groups produce massive, woody-stemmed plants with alternate-toothed leaves, up to 12 inches (30.5 cm.) long. The gigantic blooms are pendant and may be white, pink, yellow, orange, green, or red with single, double, or even triple petals. The flowers are very showy and often bear an attractive scent. Most Brugmansia are pollinated by butterflies, and they have a host relationship with many species. One Brugmansia species is pollinated by a hummingbird.

Planting Brugmansia in Ground

Using Brugmansia in the garden setting offers exotic impact with surprising ease of care. Amend the soil with plenty of organic material and loosen it to a depth of a foot (30.5 cm.) before installing the plant. Many gardeners prefer to grow the plants in containers, so it is easy to move them indoors over winter. Gardeners in southern regions can simply plant them in a prepared garden plot. Some growers swear that Brugmansia grows best in shade with only morning sun. They can also handle full sun, but they may get wilted and stressed during the hottest point of the day. A better solution might be to choose a partial shade location. The most important consideration, once you have chosen the location, is good drainage and consistent moisture. Brugmansia angel trumpet is a huge feeder and needs plenty of moisture to sustain the massive amount of plant matter it produces.

Brugmansia Plant Care

Caring for Brugmansia outdoors in summer is no trickier than any other plant so long as it gets 3 inches (7.5 cm.) of water per week and a liquid feeding at least once per month. Brugmansia in warm climates will maintain a dormant state in winter but those in northern climates will either die if left outdoors or must be moved inside before cold weather threatens. Use a good commercial potting soil and a pot large enough to contain the root mass. Brugmansia respond well to pruning in spring. Most pruning consists of cutting back the branch tips to a growth node, but the plant can also withstand a hard pruning to within a few inches (7.5 cm.) of the ground. Brugmansia are prey to the standard sucking insects and some caterpillars and larvae. Use horticultural insecticide soaps to control any unwanted visitors.

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