Why is a Watermelon Grown Square?

So where did the idea come from and why on earth would anyone think of a watermelon grown square? The idea of growing square watermelons began in Japan. Japanese farmers needed to find a way to work out the issue of traditionally round watermelons being too awkward by rolling around or taking up too much space in the refrigerator. After playing around with different ideas, they finally came up with one that worked—a watermelon grown square! So how did they get the square shaped fruits to grow this way? Simple. The square watermelons are grown in glass boxes, which encourage the cubed shape. To solve the issue of having them too big, growers remove the fruit from the container once it reaches about 3 square inches (19 sq. cm.). Then, they simply package and ship them off for sale. Unfortunately, these unique square shape fruits can be a bit pricey at about $82 USD. No worries though, with just a basic square mold or container, you can grow your own square watermelon.

How to Grow a Square Watermelon

With the use of square-shaped molds or square containers, you can easily learn how to make a square watermelon. Alternatively, you can use this same concept to grow many other fruits and vegetables, including:

tomatoes squash cucumbers pumpkins

If you cannot find a suitable square container, you create a mold using concrete blocks, wooden molds, or boxes. Build a cube or square box that will be strong enough to allow your watermelon to grow, but make sure the mold or container is slightly smaller than the volume of the fruit’s average mature size. To begin growing your square fruit, choose a type suitable to your area. Start your watermelon seeds outdoors two to three weeks after the last frost. Seeds should be planted about an inch (2.5 cm.) deep in well-draining soil, using about two to three seeds per hole. Then grow the watermelon plants as normal, giving them plenty of sun and water.

Caring for a Square Watermelon

Watermelons love water and sandy loam soil and caring for a square watermelon will be much the same as for regular watermelon plants. Once your watermelons begin to develop on the vine and while the fruit is still small, you can gently place it into the square form or container. Watermelons have a long growing season, so you’ll need to be patient. Don’t expect to find a square watermelon overnight! As the fruit grows, it will eventually take on the shape of the square form. Once mature, simply remove the form or carefully lift the fruit from the container. A watermelon grown square is a great way to get your children interested in helping out in the garden and will be a tasty summer treat for them to enjoy as well.

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