Potato tubers develop best at temperatures of 60-70 Fahrenheit (15-21 C.). They grow well in early spring and late fall when temperatures aren’t too hot. There are early, midseason, and late varieties. Select a late variety for optimal production in fall cropping situations.
When to Plant Fall Potatoes
Late potatoes work well for winter storage. The best time to plant these varieties is about 110 days before the first expected freeze, which may be as early as July in some regions. Tuber formation will slow or stop when soil temperature reaches 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.7 C.). Planting fall potatoes often results in a larger crop than early or midseason varieties and their starch content is higher. Loose loamy to sandy soil is preferred for potato crops. Potatoes may also be grown in containers, and there are many available for purchase or you can make your own.
Growing Late Season Potatoes
Selecting the correct variety of tuber will ensure the maximum crop. Varieties that perform well in the fall are:
Butte- Brown skinned, starchyDesiree- Rosy skin, yellow fleshGenesee- Classic white potatoGerman Butterball- creamy yellow fleshKatahdin- Long storing white potatoSnowden- Small white, perfect for potato chipsRusset Burbank- Large classic russet with dry, mealy fleshRed Pontiac- Large tubers with red skin and white, waxy fleshLehigh- Yellow potato with firm fleshKennebec- Large brown skinned tuberElba- Solid, white, round potatoesBintje- Long storing yellow spudAll Blue- Deeply purple red skin and fleshFrench Fingerling- Long, narrow tubersIrish Cobbler- Heirloom medium potatoesPink Fir Apple- Rosy fingerling with yellow fleshGreen Mountain- Classic baking potatoAmarosa- Pink inside and out, fingerling
Tips on Growing Potatoes
Potatoes don’t need much encouragement to grow. Select firm seedling potatoes. The bag should have a blue tag on it that signifies the potatoes passed inspection. Cut each seeding potato into pieces. A medium sized potato should be cut in 4 pieces, while a large spud needs to be separated into 6 pieces. Ensure each piece has at least 1 eye or growing node. After cutting the potatoes, store the pieces in a warm, humid place to allow the cut edges to heal. Plant each piece in prepared soil 12 inches (30.48 cm.) apart. Cover the pieces with 4 inches (10.16 cm) of soil. As you see plant leaves, hill the soil to encourage the formation of roots and more tubers. Keep the site evenly watered. Young tubers can be gently harvested at any point. When the plant dies back it is time to take the whole harvest. Let the spuds sit in a shady place for a day to toughen the skin and store at 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.4 C.).