In terms of lush, glossy green foliage, the options for indoor tropical houseplants are nearly limitless. However, many indoor gardeners may want to consider more colorful tropical plants. Specifically, those which will produce vibrant, show-stopping blooms. Learning more about the tropical flowering plants available at nurseries and garden centers is the first step in the creation of a truly memorable indoor floral display. 

Flowering Tropical Houseplants

  1. Aechmea – Most types of aechmea are epiphytes. These plants are known to grow without soil. These flowering tropical house plants are celebrated for their exceptional bloom period, which can last several months. Attractive foliage with distinct markings contributes additional ornamental value. After its bloom has ceased, the plant itself will also begin to die back, but not before producing offsets which can be used to grow new potted specimens. 
  2. Begonias – When it comes to growing begonias, there are hundreds of species from which to choose. Lorraine begonias, for example, are a small evergreen type which are known for their winter bloom time. These colorful tropical plants can be found in both single and double flower forms. Though many types of winter begonia are discarded by growers after flowering ceases, some can be deadheaded and maintained for the ornamental value of their foliage. 
  3. Clivia miniata – Also known as flame lily, clivia produces clusters of immensely striking flowers. Indoor clivia plants will require bright, indirect light. These tropical houseplants are slow growers and will require patience. In fact, many plants may not bloom for several years, even when grown under ideal conditions, which includes a dormant period which is required to promote flowering.
  4. Gloxinias – Commonly referred to as gloxinia, this plant’s proper name is Sinningia speciosa. As a distant relative of the African violet, these tropical blooming plants share many similarities. Bright, indirect light will assist plants in the production of robust basal leaves. For best flower production, gardeners will need to carefully monitor plant progress. Environmental stress is the most common cause of gloxinia’s failure to bloom. 
  5. Jatropha – Jatropha are one of many larger tropical plants that can bloom indoors. While these plants will require a frost free climate to be grown outside, they can also grow to produce clusters of red-pink flowers indoors. In their native range, mature plants may reach heights of up to 15 ft. (4.5 m). However, newer dwarf hybrids are ideal for container culture. 
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