Iron Chlorosis Fixing An Iron Deficiency In Plants

What Does Iron Do for Plants? Iron is a nutrient that all plants need to function. Many of the vital functions of the plant, like enzyme and chlorophyll production, nitrogen fixing, and development and metabolism are all dependent on iron. Without iron, the plant simply cannot function as well as it should. Symptoms for Iron Deficiency in Plants The most obvious symptom of iron deficiency in plants is commonly called leaf chlorosis....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 528 words · Cecil Roberts

Learn About Colonial Gardens How To Grow A Colonial Kitchen Garden

About Colonial Gardens The colonial garden of yesteryear was a celebration of heritage as plants made their way from the “old world,” to the “new world.” Colonial gardens were made by very practical colonists and as a result were designed around needs rather than aesthetics, though these gardens were still truly beautiful. Square or raised bed gardens were popular and often placed in close proximity to the home to allow for easy access....

November 17, 2022 · 2 min · 391 words · Ashley Snover

Learn About Growing Litchi Tomatoes

What is a Litchi Tomato? The litchi tomato shrub (Solanum sisymbriifolium) was discovered and named by a French botanist. Morelle is the French word for nightshade and Balbis refers to the region of its discovery. This South American species is a member of the nightshade family of plants just as tomatoes, eggplants, and potatoes. The umbrella genus is Solanum and there are varieties that are poisonous if ingested. Litchi tomato and thorny tomato plants are other names for the shrub....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 470 words · Maria Stephens

Mandarin Lime Care Where To Grow Mandarin Lime Trees

Where to Grow Mandarin Lime Trees The Mandarin lime tree (Citrus x limonia) is also grown variously in other countries of temperate climate, such as Brazil where it is known as limao crayon, southern China as the Canton lemon, hime lemon in Japan, Japanche citroen in Indonesia and Kona lime in Hawaii. Any region with a temperate climate and well-draining soil, including areas of Florida, is where to grow mandarin lime trees....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 508 words · Joyce Wright

My Wax Plant Won T Flower Reasons Why A Hoya Doesn T Bloom

Help, My Wax Plant Won’t Flower Wax plants are lovely foliage plants that can be trained to a trellis or allowed to dangle. These exciting plants have glorious thick, shiny leaves that lead us to its common name. In good conditions, Hoya plants produce clusters of starry flowers, some of which have a sweet scent. Hoya plants need to be fully mature to flower. This typically means 5 to 7 years before you see the first bloom....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 466 words · John Beaudry

Pacific Northwest Vegetables Potted Vegetables In The Northwest

Types of Pacific Northwest Vegetables to grow in Containers Some veggies do better grown in containers than others. You want to take not only this in account but also select tried and true Pacific Northwest vegetable. For instance, eggplant does not generally do well in the Northwest but all of the Brassicas thrive. That said, a broccoli or cauliflower plant is generally too large to grow in a container but cabbage, kale and collard greens would do very well....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 455 words · Mary Miller

Picking Zucchini Plants Learn How And When To Harvest Zucchini

Zucchini Squash Harvesting Zucchini is a summer squash, a member of the Cucurbita family amongst which melons, pumpkins, cucumbers, and gourds also reside. Zucchini dates back to 5500 B.C. in the northern parts of South America. It was then “discovered” by European explorers and introduced into their countries of origin. Zucchini grows on a bushy, non-vining plant with large, dark green leaves peppered with silvery grey streaks. These large leaves provide shade to the fruit but also tend to play “hide n’ seek” with it....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 561 words · Daniel Morris

Planting Clover With Kids St Patrick S Day Shamrock Garden Ideas

How to Grow Clover with Kids If you’re looking for fun ways to grow clover with children, consider these easy projects and the educational lessons you can include: Planting Clover in the Lawn White clover (Trifolium repens) is a great addition for a self-fertilizing lawn. Prior to the 1950’s, clover was part of lawn seed mix. Clover requires less water, grows well in the shade and bees benefit from the pollen produced by the flowers....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 501 words · Linda Autery

Pocket Garden Information Learn About Creating Pocket Gardens In The Landscape

What is a Pocket Garden? The pocket garden is a design technique that has been used by gardeners for generations, but it has recently found a chic standing in the landscape world. What is a pocket garden? It can be a combination of scenarios, but the basic point is to add plants in small, unexpected ways to the landscape. Gardening can be a challenge in small spaces or in areas with little area for a garden plot or bed....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 446 words · Beverly Abernathy

Pomegranate Growing Caring For Pomegranate Plants In Containers

Pomegranate Growing Pomegranates (Punica granatum) are steeped in history and have been grown for thousands of years through the Mediterranean regions of Asia, Africa, and Europe. Native from Iran to the northern Himalayas, the fruit eventually traveled to Egypt, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Iran, Iraq, India, Burma, and Saudi Arabia. It was introduced to the Americas in the 1500’s by Spanish missionaries. A member of the Lythraceae family, pomegranate fruit has a smooth, leathery, red to pink skin surrounding the edible arils....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 501 words · Zelda Thigpen

Popular Annuals For Zone 7 Tips On Planting Annuals In Zone 7 Gardens

Planting Annuals in Zone 7 Annual plants add immediate punch to the flower garden. There are annuals for sun or partial sun locations. Most popular annuals for zone 7 are tried and true selections with many cultivars and colors. Some are more commonly grown for their foliage and are perfect foils for setting off color displays. With good care, annuals can brighten the garden from spring until the first frost. Local garden centers will carry the most popular annuals for zone 7....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 439 words · Pearl Quintana

Problem Garden Insects What Are Some Common Plant Pests In Gardens

Common Plant Pests to Look Out for The flying, crawling pests are out and bugging your veggies, ornamentals, and flowers. Holes in your leaves, sooty mold, tunnels in soil, yellow and dying turf, damaged fruit, mounds in the lawn… these are just a few of the signs that your garden is under attack by some of the most common garden pests. The type in your landscape will depend upon the area in which you live, but the majority of these are found across North America....

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 686 words · John Lamboy

Protecting Bulbs Keeping Rodents Away From Flower Bulbs

However, this does not have to happen to you. You can take steps to protect flower bulbs from hungry critters. With just a little extra effort, you will not have to worry any longer about whether your spring bulbs will make it through the winter. What Animals Are You Protecting Bulbs From? A wide variety of animals will snack on flower bulbs. Most commonly, mice are the issue, but squirrels, chipmunks, voles, and gophers can also be to blame....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 580 words · Jeffrey Terracina

Radishes Are Too Hot What Makes Radishes Hot And How To Stop It

What Makes Radishes Hot If you discover your garden grown radishes getting hot, the first step is to review growing conditions. Radishes are a quick crop with most varieties maturing in 25 to 35 days. They prefer cool weather and can be sown in early spring as soon as the ground can be worked. (Hot weather can make radishes too hot to eat.) When planting radish seeds, it’s best to use a seeder to achieve adequate spacing....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 448 words · Jimmie Hanson

Replanting A Christmas Tree Planting A Christmas Tree Outside After Christmas

How to Plant Your Christmas Tree Before you even buy the Christmas tree you will be replanting, you may also want to consider digging the hole that you will be planting the Christmas tree in. Chances are the ground will not yet be frozen at that time and by the time Christmas is over the chances that the ground will be frozen will have increased. Having a hole ready will help the chances that your tree will survive....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 508 words · Kathleen Gustason

Starting Neighborhood Gardens Learn How To Garden On A Vacant Lot

History of Neighborhood Gardens Community gardens have been around for ages. In earlier vacant lot gardens, home beautification and school gardening were encouraged. Neighborhood societies, garden clubs, and women’s clubs encouraged gardening via contests, free seeds, classes, and organizing community gardens. The first school garden opened in 1891 at the Putnam School, Boston. In 1914, the U.S. Bureau of Education sought to promote gardens nationally and encourage schools to include gardening in their curriculum by establishing the Division of Home and School Gardening....

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 695 words · Elizabeth Gonzales

Stunning Plant Foliage Selecting Plants With Cool Looking Leaves

Plants with Beautiful Foliage Every leaf has its own beauty, but some are more exceptional. They may ‘wow’ us by their size, shape, or color. Some of these plants also grow flowers, but the leaves are the primary ornamental attraction. You’ll find stunning plant foliage on more than a few perennials. One to look for is canna (or canna lily). This plant is actually not a true lily. It has huge, banana-shaped leaves that can be green, red, or even striped....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 435 words · Michael Orms

Summer Harvest Tips What Can You Pick In Summer

Getting the Most from Your Summer Vegetable Harvest For many crops, summertime is the heart of the harvest season. From picking peas and lettuce in early summer to gathering pumpkins and winter squash later in the season, the summer vegetable harvest is the primary time for picking and preserving your garden produce. Try these general tips on how to harvest in summer: Pick at the correct time. For some veggies this means picking at the peak of ripeness, others can be picked early and will continue to ripen off the plant....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 603 words · Billie Santi

What Are Hitchhiker Weeds Learn About Weeds That Spread By Hitchhiking

What are Hitchhiker Weeds? Weed seeds spread in a variety of ways, whether traveling by water, air, or on animals. The group of weeds nicknamed the “hitchhikers” are seeds that stick to clothing and fur, making it difficult to dislodge them immediately. Their variously barbed adaptations ensure that the seeds will travel far and wide via animal locomotion, and most can be eventually shaken off down the road somewhere. Although it might sound like all fun and games, the weeds spread by people are not only difficult to contain, but they’re also costly for everyone....

November 17, 2022 · 2 min · 424 words · Allen Aymond

What Are Italian Frying Peppers Learn About Italian Frying Pepper Varieties

What are Italian Frying Peppers? Italian frying peppers are a type of Capsicum annum variably referred to as Cubanelle, Italianelles, or Sweet Italian Long peppers. Unlike many unripe peppers which are bitter in flavor, Italian frying peppers are sweet at every stage from green to yellow to red. In color, they range from bright citron to deep forest green ripening to orange and then red when fully ripe. Italian peppers for frying are common features of Italian cuisine....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 544 words · Byron King