What Are Some Hanging Succulent Plants

Types of Hanging Cactus and Succulents Some cacti and succulents are best being allowed to grow tall or straight out of a pot. However, there are many types of hanging cactus and unusual succulents that enjoy growing in a hanging pot so they can stream down as each new piece starts. If you’re not sure which plants to choose, that’s okay. Below you will find some popular hanging succulent plants that are must haves for your home to help get you started....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 474 words · John Pischke

What Flowering Plants Grow In Shade

Brighten up those areas of your garden with these top 15 flowering plants that thrive in shade. Flowering Shade Perennials 1. Astilbe Astilbe, with their fern-like foliage and fluffy flower heads, prefer a spot that is moist to wet. They can tolerate part shade to heavy shade but growth may be stunted in heavy shade. 2. Bleeding Heart The Bleeding Heart is adored for its arching stems of heart-shaped flowers....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 635 words · Justin Moore

What Is A Dwarf Lilac Tree Types Of Dwarf Lilacs For The Landscape

What is a Dwarf Lilac? Space challenged gardeners, or those that prefer a tidy looking plant, will love the dwarf lilac varieties. These smaller bushes offer all the same color and scent the standard forms present with a more compact form. Dwarf lilacs are fairly new developments with the Korean dwarf one of the first to be marketed. Syringa are old-fashioned garden classics that conjure warm spring days and crisp nights....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 449 words · Lila Alnutt

What Is A Seed Bank Learn About Seed Bank Information

Preserving native and wild species of seeds is an important step in protecting a healthy habitat. Plus, it is easy, takes little space, and the seed can be stored season after season. Starting a seed bank as a home gardener involves little effort and may start with saving seed from home grown plants or sourcing regional and native seed. What is a Seed Bank? Seed banks provide a healthy source of native seed should something happen to natural sources....

November 17, 2022 · 4 min · 680 words · Dorothy Ravenell

What Is Greek Oregano Learn About Growing Greek Oregano Herbs

What is Greek Oregano? Compared to other varieties of oregano, there really is nothing remarkable about Greek oregano from an ornamental viewpoint. It simply has hairy, dark green leaves with small white flowers. However, whatever aesthetic shortcomings this Mediterranean native may have, it compensates for in culinary value. You may not be aware of this Greek oregano info, but while there are many varieties of oregano, Greek oregano is considered the “true oregano” and is typically the oregano that graces the standard supermarket spice rack....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 496 words · Angela Zanchez

What Is Porcupine Grass How To Grow Porcupine Maiden Grass

What is Porcupine Grass? Ornamental grasses come in a wide array of growth habits, tones, and sizes. They are classed by their temperature needs as warm season or cold/hardy grasses. Ornamental porcupine grass is a warm season species which is not hardy in freezing temperatures. It resembles zebra grass but holds its blades more stiffly and doesn’t tend to fall over as much. Porcupine maiden grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Strictus’) is a member of the Miscanthus family of graceful arching grasses....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 510 words · Betty Wakefield

Why Do Pear Tree Leaves Curl Tips On Pear Tree Leaf Curl Treatment

Why Do Pear Tree Leaves Curl? Below are some of the most common reasons behind the curling of pear tree leaves and what can be done to alleviate the problem: Pear Curling Leaf Midge A native of Europe, the pear curling leaf midge has found its way across most of the United States since it first arrived on the east coast in the 1930’s. It is often responsible for curling pear tree leaves in young trees....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 434 words · Linda Laney

Why Plants Have Bright Colored Flowers Flower Color Significance Gardening Know How

Flower Pollination Pollination is an important part of a plant’s life cycle. Before flowers can produce, they must be pollinated. Without flower pollination, most plants could not produce fruit or set seeds. Bees are the best-known pollinators, making their presence in the garden extremely important. Honeybees carry out more pollination than any other insect, which includes ants, beetles, butterflies, and moths. Nearly eighty percent of all crop pollination comes from honeybees....

November 17, 2022 · 2 min · 400 words · Yolanda Baranoski

Xeriscape Solutions For Common Landscape Problems

When you encounter these problems, it is a good idea to fix them as soon as possible. More often than not all you need is to implement xeriscaping techniques. Effective xeriscape design solutions allow the landscape to work with its natural conditions rather than against them. Xeriscape Plantings Many people think of xeriscapes as merely cactus and rock gardens. The truth is that these types of landscape designs are very efficient and make interesting landscapes....

November 17, 2022 · 3 min · 478 words · Madeline Wilson

About Mandevilla Pests Information For Treating Common Bugs On Mandevilla Vine

Mandevilla Pest Problems Mandevilla vines are tough plants, but even they are subject to a few pest insects that can cause real problems. Bugs on mandevilla vine are easy to treat if they’re caught early, but you’ll have to keep a close eye out for them since these insects often remain well-hidden. Mealybugs Mealybugs leave small piles of waxy debris on the branch crotches of mandevilla vines, feeding nearby or on the undersides of leaves....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 430 words · Annie Muse

Aloe Vera Relatives Learn About Different Types Of Aloe Plants

Common Aloe Varieties There are many common varieties of aloe and some that are rare or difficult to find. Most are native to various parts of Africa and nearby areas and, as such, are drought and heat tolerant. The aloe vera plant has been around and in use for centuries. It is mentioned in the Bible. Aloe vera and its derivatives have currently reached an all-time high for both internal and external use....

November 16, 2022 · 5 min · 948 words · Howard Jantzen

Avocado Growing Indoors How To Grow An Avocado In A Pot

Can Avocado Trees Grow Indoors? Avocado trees can reach 80 feet (24+ m.) in height. Most plants do poorly where freezing temperatures may occur. Gardeners in United States Department of Agriculture zones 8 and below should be wary of trying to grow these trees as outdoor plants. This fact leads to the question, “Can avocado trees grow indoors?” The simple answer to this question is yes. In fact, there are several dwarf varieties, which can help the cold and temperate season gardener produce the healthy fruits in their own home....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 504 words · Marilyn Hamm

Best Places For Houseplants Where To Put Plants In Your House

Best Places for Houseplants When you’re thinking about houseplant placement, it’s fine to be concerned about what plant will look prettiest in which room. However, if you want healthy, beautiful, long-lived plants, growing conditions must be considered before anything else. Sunlight is the number one requirement for indoor plants. All plants need light, but the amount varies substantially. Although some plants, including certain types of cactus and succulents, need bright sunlight, most prefer more moderate, less intense light....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 433 words · Andrea Wise

Best Support For Hops Plant Tips On Building A Trellis For Hops

Hops Plant Support Most hops are grown for use in making beer, but the cones can also be used in soap, condiments, and snacks. With their reputed mild sedative effect, hop cones are also used in making soothing teas and pillows while the post-harvest bines are often twisted into holiday wreaths or used to make cloth or paper. This multi-use crop needs some careful consideration and planning, as the plants can live for up to 25 years, a long-term garden addition that needs some serious hops plant support....

November 16, 2022 · 5 min · 927 words · Joseph Hebert

Blossom End Rot In Tomatoes How To Stop Tomato Blossom Rot

Read on if you’re seeing tomatoes rotting on the bottom to learn how to stop tomato blossom end rot. Tomato Plants with Blossom Rot The spot on the fruit where the blossom once was marks the center of blossom end rot. Typically, the problem starts on the first flush of fruits and those that haven’t quite reached their full size. The spot appears watery and yellowish-brown at first and will grow until it destroys much of the fruit....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 548 words · Steve Washington

Bracket Fungus Info Does It Hurt Plants And How Long Does Bracket Fungus Live

Anyone who has tried to remove one of these brackets will tell you that they are rock hard; so hard, in fact, that they can be carved into works of art and beautiful jewelry. Bracket Fungus Info Tree bracket fungus is often referred to as shelf fungus because of the way it sticks out from the infected tree. They are called polypores. Instead of having spore producing gills, they have many pores lined with spore producing cells called basidia....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 617 words · Ann Hallman

Bugs On Watermelon Plants Controlling Watermelon Pests In The Garden

Insect Pests of Watermelon Although there are many, many insects that would love to take a bite out of your melons, some are more common visitors to the garden than others. Effectively controlling watermelon pests requires that you understand exactly what is eating your plants so you can nab the culprit and not hurt the beneficial insects that are trying to aid your cause. Keep an eye out for these offenders next time you’re in the garden:...

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 467 words · Otis Elliott

Can Pumpkins Grow On Trellises Information About Growing Pumpkins Vertically

Can Pumpkins Grow on Trellises? Oh yes, my fellow gardener, planting a pumpkin on a trellis is not an inane proposal. In fact, vertical gardening is a burgeoning gardening technique. With urban sprawl comes less space in general with more and more compact housing, meaning tiny gardening spaces. For less than ample garden plots, vertical gardening is the answer. Growing pumpkins vertically (as well as other crops) also improves air circulation which impedes disease and allows for easy access to fruit....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 492 words · Brent Valentine

Cascading Bonsais Tips For Shaping A Cascade Bonsai Form

One of these popular forms is the cascade bonsai. Keep reading to learn about creating a cascade bonsai. Cascading Bonsais Creating a cascade bonsai is intended to reflect the shape of a tree that has had a difficult time, yet perseveres. It is best to imagine a shape that was formed due to the crushing weight of heavy winter snows, land slides, or mud slides. These natural catastrophes will twist the tree downward in nature and so it is with a bonsai in the cascade form....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 550 words · Crystal Thomas

Common Gardenia Varieties Different Types Of Gardenia Shrubs

Popular Gardenia Types All gardenia varieties are members of the genus Gardenia and the coffee family, Rubiaceae. Most types of gardenias in the United States stem from the early Gardenia augusta. Due to their fragrant blossoms and thick, attractive foliage, certain types of gardenia are prized as shrubs for their use as hedges and borders and specimen plantings, particularly near walkways and garden seating areas where their fragrance lingers in the evening....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 598 words · Kimberly Collins