Mcintosh Apple Care Learn How To Grow Mcintosh Apple Trees

McIntosh Apple Tree Info McIntosh apple trees were discovered by John McIntosh in 1811, purely by chance when he was clearing land on his farm. The apple was given the family name of McIntosh. Although no one knows exactly what cultivar is the parent to McIntosh apple trees, the similar flavor suggests Fameuse, or Snow apple. This unexpected discovery became integral to apple production throughout Canada, as well as the Midwest and Northeast United States....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 544 words · Catherine Volpe

Moss Lawn Care Growing Moss Lawns Instead Of Grass

Moss Lawns Instead of Grass Moss lawns instead of grass save on water, time and fertilizer. The stuff practically grows on trees. Actually it does, as well as steps, rocks, wheelbarrows, etc. You get the idea. Moss is nature’s natural carpet, and with the right combination of conditions, it forms a nice alternative to standard turf. In order to have moss lawns instead of grass, it’s necessary to meet a few conditions....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 457 words · Thomas Miller

My Pumpkin Plants Are Wilting Reasons For Pumpkin Plant Wilting And Yellowing

Help! My Pumpkin Plants are Wilting! There are several reasons for pumpkin plant wilt. The best way to figure out which one may be the cause of your wilting pumpkin plants is to rule out the simplest explanation first. Lack of water might be the reason for pumpkin leaves that are wilting. Although the large leaves aid in shading the soil and keeping roots cool, the plants still need water. During the heat of the summer, pumpkins need between 1 and 1 ½ inches (2....

November 16, 2022 · 4 min · 798 words · Michael Jenks

Nantes Carrot Information Learn About Growing Nantes Carrots

What are Nantes Carrots? Nantes carrots were first mentioned and described in the 1885 edition of the Henri Vilmorin family seed catalogue. He stated that this carrot variety has a nearly perfect cylindrical root and smooth, almost red, skin that is mild and sweet in flavor. Revered for their sweet, crisp flavor, Nantes carrots are rounded at both the tip and root end. Additional Nantes Carrot Information Carrots originated over 5,000 years ago in present day Afghanistan, and these first carrots were cultivated for their purple root....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 512 words · Floyd To

Nimblewill Control Tips For Controlling And Removing Nimblewill Grass

What is Nimblewill Plant? While this weed is often confused with Bermuda grass, there are distinct features of this plant that set it apart from this and other grass species. One is its mat-forming spreading habit. Nimblewill spreads by stolons that run along the surface of the soil, whereas many other grasses, like Bermuda, spread via rhizomes. It can also spread by seed if allowed to flower in late summer. Nimblewill is much shorter and wiry looking with narrow blue-green leaves as well....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 456 words · Marianne Molloy

Ornamental Grass For Shade Gardens Choosing Shade Loving Ornamental Grass

Choosing Shade Loving Ornamental Grass Those dark, shady areas of the garden are often difficult to populate with exciting plant specimens. It is a common problem and one that horticulturalists and growers have worked hard to solve. Enter shade loving ornamental grass. Today’s garden centers have a wide variety of low growing or tall, statuesque specimens that thrive in low light. Selecting a variety that suits your shade garden specifications has never been easier....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 455 words · Michael Khalaf

Outdoor Monkey Puzzle Care Planting Monkey Puzzle Trees In The Landscape

Monkey Puzzle Tree Info Monkey puzzle tree has to be seen from a bit of a distance to really be appreciated. When young, the plants look like something from the dinosaur age and that impression doubles as the trees reach their full mature size. Cold region gardeners should not try growing a monkey puzzle outdoors, but potted plants can be tried in the home interior. The plant really flourishes in temperate zones where it can receive the cooler temperatures it craves and plenty of rainfall....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 439 words · Samuel Dilsaver

Pacific Northwest Flowering Vines Growing Vines In The Northwestern U S

Growing Vines in the Northwestern U.S. Native Pacific Northwest flowering vines are an excellent choice for the landscape. They add vertical dimension to the garden, attract hummingbirds and butterflies, and because most vines grow rapidly, make wonderful privacy screens. Pacific Northwest native vines have already acclimated to local conditions such as weather, soil, and rainfall. This means they are more likely to thrive versus nonnative, subtropical vines, which may do well through the growing season only to die during the winter....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 537 words · Jennifer Kenworthy

Pitcher Plant Cuttings Learn How To Propagate A Pitcher Plant From Cuttings

How to Propagate a Pitcher Plant The pitcher plant has a silhouette that most gardeners can recognize. The plants produce male and female flowers on separate plants. The two sexes appear identical and make it nearly impossible to ensure that you have one of each. Additionally, the plants need to be flowering at the same time in order for the male’s pollen to transfer to the female bloom. This is as likely as my winning the lottery in any environment but nature....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 576 words · Edward Forrest

Plan A Backyard Staycation Making A Perfect Backyard Vacation Oasis

Enjoying a Vacation in Your Backyard When uncertainty makes travel difficult and frightening, you can always take a vacation in your backyard. With a little thought and advance planning, your backyard staycation during this time of quarantine will be something you’ll always remember. Think about how you want to spend your precious vacation time. You don’t need a rigid schedule, but just general ideas for days ahead. Croquet or lawn darts?...

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 458 words · Robert Rios

Plane Tree Pest Problems Controlling Pests Of London Plane Trees

Common Plane Tree Bugs The London plane tree is fast growing with deeply lobed, attractive leaves. They are very tolerant of many types of soil and pH, although they prefer deep loam. Yet, even these adjustable plants can be prey to insect problems. Plane tree pest problems vary depending upon which region the tree is growing. For instance, in the west coast sycamore lacebug is most prevalent. Preventing extensive insect damage to plane trees starts with identification of the most common villains....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 465 words · Eugenia Brund

Propagating Hibiscus Tips For Growing Hibiscus Cuttings And Hibiscus Seeds

Hibiscus Propagation from Hibiscus Cuttings Both hardy and tropical hibiscus are propagated from cuttings. Hibiscus cuttings are normally the preferred way of propagating hibiscus because a cutting will grow to be an exact copy of the parent plant. When using hibiscus cuttings to propagate hibiscus, start by taking the cutting. The cutting should be taken from new growth or softwood. Softwood is branches on the hibiscus that have not yet matured....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 502 words · Michael Hinojosa

Ramp Vegetable Plants What Are Ramp Vegetables And Tips On Growing Ramps

What are Ramp Vegetables? Ramp vegetable plants (Allium tricoccum) are native to the Appalachian Mountains, north into Canada, west into Missouri and Minnesota, and south to North Carolina and Tennessee. Growing ramps are commonly found in groups in rich, moist, deciduous forests. A cousin of the onion, leek, and garlic plant, the ramp is also a pungent vegetable that is enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Ramps have been traditionally foraged rather than cultivated and are easily identified by their leaves, usually two broad, flat leaves are produced from each bulb....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 639 words · Katherine Krueger

Raspberry Cane Diseases How To Treat Browning Raspberry Canes

Understanding Raspberry Plant Problems One of the first things you need to know is the difference between a primocane and a floricane. A primocane is a leafy stalk formed during its first year on a raspberry plant. It may produce buds but doesn’t typically produce fruit. You want to let the primocanes grow and then overwinter for producing flowers and fruit in the second year. During the second year of this cane’s life, it is called a floricane....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 614 words · Karl Gorman

Reasons For Christmas Cactus Bud Drop Why Is My Christmas Cactus Dropping Buds

Why is My Christmas Cactus Dropping Flower Buds? Sometimes I feel like the world is conspiring against me and my plants. There are so many factors that can cause them to fall ill or fail to flower or produce fruit. In the case of Christmas cactus bud drop, the causes can range from cultural care, lighting, and even the fickleness of the plant to its situation. These plants need more water then true cactus and require a photoperiod of at least 14 hours of darkness to set buds....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 561 words · Shyla Davis

Regional Gardening Tasks Checklist For Gardening In December

Regional Gardening in December Here are some tips to help you put together a December to-do list with an eye on regional gardening. Northwest The Pacific Northwest is likely to be mild and wet with rainfall, but that makes some of your December garden chores easier. Be sure to wear rain boots when you go out. Planting is still possible for lucky Pacific Northwest gardeners, so put in new trees and shrubs to your heart’s content....

November 16, 2022 · 5 min · 949 words · Kimberly Walls

School Age Garden Theme Creating Gardens For School Age Children

School Age Garden Theme Info When you choose your school age garden theme, build on your child’s interests. If he or she likes building forts, build one of sunflower plants or construct a teepee frame of tall poles or branches for pole beans or nasturtiums to climb over. Children love giving special gifts to friends and family. Your child will be proud to give gifts of potted plants grown from seeds or forced bulbs....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 485 words · Nakia Bennett

Sea Holly Flowers Information About Growing Eryngium Plants

What is Sea Holly? Eryngium plants, also known as sea holly flowers, make striking additions to the garden. Mostly native to Europe and the Mediterranean, these plants generally grow anywhere from 18 to 36 inches (45-90 cm.) tall with a one foot (30 cm.) spread. Their green or silvery-blue stems give way to green or blue cones surrounded by spiky silver, white, green, blue or violet bracts, which bloom from summer throughout fall....

November 16, 2022 · 4 min · 656 words · Leticia Nelson

Snapdragon Seed Propagation How And When To Plant Snapdragon Seeds

When to Plant Snapdragon Seeds When planting snapdragon seeds, the optimum time to start snapdragon seeds indoors is about six to ten weeks before the last frost in spring. Snapdragons are slow starters that germinate best in cool temperatures. Some gardeners have good luck planting snapdragon seeds directly in the garden. The best time for this is after the last hard frost in spring, as snapdragons can tolerate light frost....

November 16, 2022 · 2 min · 417 words · Dan Dyer

Soil For Growing Vegetables Soil Preparation For Your Vegetable Garden

Soil Preparation for a Vegetable Garden Some soil requirements for vegetable plants are the same, while others differ depending on the type of vegetable. In this article we will only focus on the general soil requirements for vegetable gardens. In general, vegetable garden soil should be well draining and loose. It should not be too heavy (i.e. clay soil) or too sandy. General Soil Requirements for Vegetables We recommend before preparing soil for vegetables that you have your soil tested at your local extension service to see if there is something your soil is lacking in from the lists below....

November 16, 2022 · 3 min · 440 words · Barbara Randolph