Deer Repellents How To Keep Deer Out Of The Garden

Trying to keep deer out of the garden can be frustrating to say the least, but with a little know how and ingenuity, your efforts for garden deer protection could be well worth the trouble. Keep reading to learn a little more about how to keep deer out of garden. How to Keep Deer Out of Garden Figuring out how to keep deer out of garden areas may be as simple as installing fencing around your perimeter....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 524 words · Chad Burns

Diy Hydroponic Deep Water Culture Learn About Deep Water Culture Nutrients

What is Deep Water Hydroponics? As mentioned, deep water culture for plants (DWC) is also called hydroponics. Simply put, it is a method for growing plants without a substrate media. The roots of the plants are encased in a net pot or grow cup that is suspended from a lid with roots dangling in a liquid nutrient solution. The deep water culture nutrients are high in oxygen, but how? Oxygen is pumped into the reservoir through an air pump and then pushed through an air stone....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 608 words · Natalie Hoffman

Easter Cactus Care Tips For Growing An Easter Cactus Plant

What is the Difference Between a Christmas Cactus and an Easter Cactus? The Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti are members of the Schlumbergera family, while the Easter cactus is in the Rhipsalidopsis family. The Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti hail from Brazilian rainforests while the Easter cactus is from drier forests. Christmas cactus blooms around the winter holidays. The Easter cactus plant blooms late winter to early spring. Both types have flattened stems, called segments, which are lightly serrated on the edges....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 450 words · Rosa Wright

Eggplant Types For Gardens What Are Some Good Varieties Of Eggplant

Types of Eggplant For more than 1,500 years, eggplant has been cultivated in India and China. Once trade routes were established, eggplant was imported to Europe by the Arabs and transported to Africa by the Persians. The Spaniards introduced it to the New World and by the 1800’s both white and purple varieties of eggplant could be found in American gardens. Eggplant is grown as an annual and requires warm temperatures....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 578 words · Maxine Slaughter

Gardening In Las Vegas When To Plant In Las Vegas Gardens

People who attempt to grow plants in Las Vegas are confronted with oven-like temperatures, drying winds, minimal rainfall, and often poor soil. The rewards are mild winters, the desert vista, and the beautiful, endless sky. Read on to see what Las Vegas growing is like. About Las Vegas Garden Design Las Vegas garden designs are adaptable to the arid climate, often relying on indigenous plants or succulents. They are also shown to best benefit from carefully placed gravel, rocks, or natural stones....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 451 words · Michael Taormina

Gardening With Native Edibles Native Plants You Can Eat And Grow

As an added bonus, native herbs and vegetables are plentiful and attractive to birds and other wildlife. Why Grow an Edible Native Garden? You don’t need to be in the middle of a pandemic to appreciate fresh food from your own garden. Growing native garden foods is just another way of supporting wild flora and fauna, as well as putting diversity in your diet. There are a host of native plants you can eat, varieties that naturally occur where you live and will thrive with just minimum care....

November 15, 2022 · 2 min · 406 words · Sam Klinger

Garlic Spray For Pests Learn About Using Garlic For Pest Control

Using Garlic for Pest Control There are a couple ways to use garlic as a pest control. The most common is to make a garlic spray for pests. Examples of some of the unwelcome insects that can be controlled utilizing a garlic spray include: Aphids Ants Beetles Borers Caterpillars Armyworms Slugs Termites Whiteflies In conjunction with this natural pesticide, be sure to keep the yard weed free and start off with healthy soil that has plenty of organic matter incorporated into it....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 454 words · Ruth Simms

Getting Rid Of Raccoons How To Keep Raccoons Away From A Garden

How to Get Rid of Raccoons Getting rid of raccoons can be as easy as cleaning up the area or as drastic as the use of traps. Other methods include the use of deterrents and exclusion, like fencing. While you may normally come across their mischievous activities in the garden, raccoons will also get into garbage cans or your pet’s food. Therefore, it’s a good idea to secure garbage lids or trashcans so these animals cannot open them....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 464 words · Leslie Collier

Graveside Garden Plot Can I Plant Flowers In A Cemetery

You must consider the size of the plant and be respectful of others who will visit the area. Graveside plantings should be small enough and manageable for long service as natural sentinels near the plot. Choose carefully when selecting plants for graves to provide a serene, non-invasive backdrop for a sensitive location. Graveside Garden Plot Most cemeteries have guidelines about what sizes and types of plants are allowed. The maintenance crews will have to be able to work around them without damaging the plants or causing more work....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 509 words · Marguerite Gunter

Green Roof Garden Designs How To Grow A Roof Garden

What is a Green Roof? Green roofs, also called vegetative roofs or rooftop gardens, have existed for centuries as an effective way to keep a home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Sod roofs have been popular since ancient times in places like Iceland and Scandinavia. These days, green roofs are still valued for effectively reducing heat and cooling costs, but also because they can reduce water runoff in areas with high amounts of precipitation, improve air quality in polluted urban settings, create habits for wildlife, increase usable space in the landscape, and help reduce the urban heat island effect....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 591 words · William Murtha

Grow Your Own Prunes How To Grow And Dry Plums At Home

Growing Prunes in the Home Garden Before jumping in and learning how to make prunes, first consider whether or not you have a suitable type of plum for drying. Not all plums make good prunes. Commercial prune growers generally opt for European plum varieties over Japanese or indigenous American species of plums. For the home gardener, European plums offer an additional advantage. Many European plum varieties and cultivars are self-fertile or are grafted with two compatible varieties on the same root stock....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 492 words · Elizabeth Buchanan

Growing Perennials In The South Plants That Grow Well In Southeast

Perennials for Southeast Gardens You’ll find some plants that grow well in southeast areas, like bulbs, require a chilling period for best performance. If you live in a Southern area where it does not get cold enough to chill them, put them in the refrigerator for a few weeks. Fall planted bulbs that bloom in spring include daffodils and tulips. If you don’t have a cold winter and must use the refrigerator, don’t chill them near fruit....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 460 words · Erik Ashley

Growing Pink Roses What Are The Best Types Of Pink Rose Bushes

Selecting Roses That are Pink A catch-all term for several hardy, low-maintenance shrub roses, these types of pink roses bloom over a long season: Pink Home Run – Hot pink Sunrise, Sunset – Blend of fuchsia-pink and apricot Ballerina – Small, fragrant pink roses with white eyes Carefree Wonder – Semi-double blooms of deep pink John Cabot – Mildly fragrant, double blooms of deep fuchsia pink These classic hybrid tea pink rose varieties bear large, high centered blossoms on long, elegant stems:...

November 15, 2022 · 2 min · 425 words · Connie Ferri

Help For Spotted Yucca Plant Leaves What To Do For Black Spots On Yucca

Reasons for Yucca Plant with Black Spots Spots on yucca leaves are primarily a visual distraction but in some cases can actually impose health problems as well. Yucca plant foliage is sensitive to overhead watering in warm, moist regions, which promotes fungal spore development. Additionally, insect feeding may cause a yucca plant with black spots. Bacteria are also present in overly moist environments. We will investigate each possibility to see if the cause can be narrowed down....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 474 words · Anthony Loyd

Holly With No Berries Reasons Why A Holly Bush Doesn T Have Berries

Do All Holly Bushes Have Berries? No, all holly bushes do not have berries. Hollies are dioecious, meaning that they need male and female plants in order to produce seeds, which are what berries are. So only female holly bushes will have the red berries. This means that if some of your holly bushes do not have berries, they may be male and simply cannot produce berries. It also means that if all of your holly bushes do not have berries, that they may all be male or they all may be female....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 491 words · Marcel Scott

Houseplant Alocasia How To Grow An Indoor African Mask Plant

There are over 50 species of the Kris plant and Alocasia hybrids around, making it difficult to identify the exact genetic history of the plants typically sold in catalogs and stores. Grown for its striking foliage, the African mask plant is not an easy-care houseplant. About Alocasia Indoor Planting Alocasia indoor planting requires conditions that closely replicate its natural outdoor environment, which is warm and very humid. It is particular about its soil and light conditions and needs to be planted in a specific way....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 564 words · Annette Briney

How Often Should I Water Lemongrass Tips On Lemongrass Plant Watering

Watering Lemongrass As a native of southeastern Asia, lemongrass prefers hot, humid weather. It will thrive in many soil levels but can be killed when temperatures drop below 40 degrees F. (4 C.). During the growing season, it is important to keep the plant hydrated regularly. How often should I water lemongrass? The answer is as easy as sticking your finger in the soil. If you have never grown lemongrass before, you may wonder about its care....

November 15, 2022 · 2 min · 419 words · Anthony Jackson

How To Mulch A New Tree Or Shrub

Care for Newly-Planted Trees What is a landscape without landscape trees? Shade and ornamental trees made a backyard more beautiful and more functional. And installing young trees isn’t cheap, so it’s best for the pocketbook not to have to replant. That’s why it’s important to provide the best possible care for the first few years after planting to give them the best chance to thrive. Some plants, including mature trees, thrive on benign neglect....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 544 words · Sheena Atlas

Iris Flower Changing Color Information On Why An Iris Turns Color

Why Iris Flower Loses Color Occasionally, we hear that an iris has changed color. There are several possible reasons why an iris flower loses color, but it generally doesn’t change color entirely. Temperature changes, chemical drift, transplant issues, or even random rhizomes dug up by a dog can cause a stand of iris to change color. Irises do not always bloom every year and an older variety may be asserting itself in your cultivar’s fallow period too....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 522 words · Mark Lafleur

Is My Peach Tree Sick Managing Common Peach Tree Diseases

Is My Peach Tree Sick? It’s important to watch for peach disease symptoms so you can treat your tree as quickly as possible. Peach tree diseases and fungus are common problems and can affect nearly any part of the tree. If your tree seems to be ailing or your fruit doesn’t look right, read on. Common Peach Diseases Here’s a quick rundown of some of the most common types of peach tree diseases: Bacterial Spot – Bacterial spot attacks both fruits and leaves....

November 15, 2022 · 3 min · 608 words · Frances Keenum