Regional Gardening To-Do List

Knowing what to do in the garden in April can be confusing. Use this basic guide based on location to jump-start the growing season.

Western Region

This region covers California and Nevada, so there is a range of appropriate chores. For northern, cooler areas:

Start planting warm-season plants

Fertilize your perennials

Maintain or add mulch

In sunny, warm southern California:

Add mulch if needed

Move or plant tropical plants outside

Plant perennials outside

If you’re in zone 6 of this region, you can start planting certain vegetables like peas, spinach, carrots, beets, turnips, and potatoes.

Northwest Region

The Pacific Northwest region also has some variety, from coast to interior. Temperatures will mostly be moderate and expect rain.

Till any cover crops

Wait for soil to dry before moving transplants outdoors

Take advantage of wet soil to divide perennials

Direct sow seeds for lettuces and greens

Southwest Region

In the deserts of the Southwest, you’ll start to get some hot days, but nights will still be frosty. Be sure to continue protecting non-hardy plants overnight.

Fertilize perennials

Manage mulch

Plant warm season varieties

Northern Rockies and Plains Region

With USDA zones between 3 and 5, gardening in April for this region is still pretty chilly, but there are chores you can tackle now:

Add compost and work the soil as it warms up

Plant cold season veggies including onions, spinach, and lettuces

Dig up root vegetables from last season

Start warmer weather veggies indoors

Upper Midwest Region

The upper Midwest region has similar zones as the Plains states. In the colder areas, you can start with those chores. In the warmer areas of lower Michigan and Iowa, you can:

Divide perennials

Spring clean beds

Start hardening off seedlings you started indoors that will be transplanted soon

Manage mulch and make sure bulbs can emerge easily

Northeast Region

Expect a lot of ups and downs with northeast temperatures this time of year. Much of your garden work will depend on exactly how the weather pans out, but generally in April you can:

Start seeds indoors for later transplant

Sow seeds outside for cool season vegetables

Divide perennials

Harden off seedlings started indoors

Manage mulch and make sure bulbs can emerge easily

Ohio Valley Region

Spring comes a little earlier here than in the Northeast or upper Midwest.

Start seeding warm season veggies outside

Move transplants outdoors in the more southern areas of this region

Start thinning out any cool season veggies you already started

Mulch your cool season plants as the temperatures begin to rise

South Central Region

In Texas, Louisiana, and the rest of the central south, April means your garden is already growing pretty well.

Start planting warm weather veggies like squash, cucumbers, corn, melons

Keep mulch intact

Where already growing, thin fruit on fruit trees to get a better harvest later

Stake perennials as needed

Fertilize spent bulbs, but don’t remove foliage yet

Southeast Region

The Southeast has similar chores this time of year to the other southern states:

Start sowing seeds outdoors for warm season vegetables

Work on managing mulch

Thin fruit trees

Clean up and fertilize bulbs; remove foliage if it has started to yellow

South Florida gets some very warm weather already in April. Right now, you can begin to:

Prune flowering trees and shrubs once the blooms are spent

Start a regular watering routine

Begin a pest management plan Regional Garden Chores  What To Do In The Garden In April - 70