Symptoms of Strawberry Allergies

Food allergies are an immune reaction from the body to a usually harmless substance or food. Most allergies are not life threatening but acute sensitivity can cause anaphylactic shock, a serious condition that requires medical attention. Symptoms generally come from ingesting the offensive food but can also show up just from handling. This may occur if you get a rash from picking strawberries. Strawberry plant allergies are serious and should be taken seriously. If you or someone you know is allergic to strawberries, know the signs and symptoms and when it’s time to rush to the doctors. Strawberry plant allergies usually manifest as hives, itching, swelling, wheezing, possibly a rash, and occasionally nausea. In many individuals, an over-the-counter antihistamine is sufficient to quell the symptoms. These block the histamine the body is manufacturing at a high rate to counter the compounds in the strawberry that the body feels are dangerous. In very severe cases, anaphylactic shock can occur. This appears as difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat and tongue, rapid pulse, and dizziness, or even unconsciousness. That is where the epi pen comes in. An epinephrine shot prevents anaphylactic shock and is commonly carried by severe allergy sufferers.

Rash from Picking Strawberries

These symptoms are all very troubling and even dangerous, but some strawberry lovers end up with other milder effects from the berries. These symptoms may be very mild and include contact dermatitis and urticaria. The contact dermatitis will cause a rash and may be photosensitive, which means sunlight will make it worse. It happens when strawberry leaves cause itching after contact. Urticaria is simply hives and can be cleared with a steroid cream or wash the area thoroughly and it will generally clear in a few hours. If you have any of these effects, you can still probably eat the berries, but you get a rash from picking strawberries. Use gloves and a long-sleeved shirt to prevent any future issues. Strawberry leaves cause itching in many individuals and are a common irritant but not really dangerous.

Protecting Against Strawberry Plant Allergies

If you have an allergy, you’ll become an avid label reader. Even if an item does not list your allergen in the ingredients, it’s no guarantee the food wasn’t processed in a plant that does use that food. This could result in cross contamination, and, in sensitive individuals, this is as good as eating the item. The best option is to make your own foods whenever possible and always ask about the contents of a dish if you do eat outside. Serious allergy patients know to carry epi pens or some form of antihistamine.

Symptoms Of Strawberry Allergies   Why Strawberry Leaves Cause Itching - 30