Rates for Eucalyptus Tree Watering

Irrigating eucalyptus trees is most important in the first couple of years, but even established trees need a regular watering schedule. Eucalyptus are evergreen trees and do not recover well from wilting. Deciduous trees have the option to drop their leaves to conserve moisture and make recovery more possible, but evergreens keep their leaves. The leaves draw much of the moisture and evaporation, which drains the tree of water. Over-watering eucalyptus trees is a possible result of over-vigilance. Young trees only require 1 to 2 gallons (3-6 L.) of water during the dry months. This can occur once per week in most soils but may require irrigating daily in sandy soils in full sun. The actual rate once the tree has grown will vary due to soil porosity and site but, on average, the soil should be moist 3 feet (1 m.) down into the earth. Young trees should be moist 2 feet (0.5 m.) down. It is important to keep expanding the watering zone out from the trunk as the root system spreads. Mature trees should be watered out from the canopy to capture the lateral root tips where most of the nutrients and moisture are harvested.

When to Water a Eucalyptus Tree

Early morning or evening is the best time for watering eucalyptus trees. This promotes maximum usage of water and the cooler temperatures reduce evaporation. Water eucalyptus deeply rather than in shallow sprinkles. This helps leach soil of salt buildup and allows water to reach the deeper roots. A slow application rate is preferable because it allows dry soil to soften up and increases percolation. When irrigating eucalyptus trees with a drip system, it should be expanded over time as the tree grows. Similarly, with an irrigation system, the emitters need to be moved out over the root zone. Overall, in hot climates, it is best to water new trees at least once per week and established trees every 7 to 21 days. The more frequent time recommendation is for trees in sandy soil.

Types of Eucalyptus and Their Water Needs

Over-watering eucalyptus trees is also a danger. It might be helpful to know the water needs of many common species, as these vary. For instance, Eucalyptus preissiana has the lowest water needs of all the species and Eucalyptus deglupta requires regular moderate moisture. The following are considered low moisture plants:

Eucalyptus microtheca Eucalyptus pulverulenta Eucalyptus erythrocorys Eucalyptus ficifolia Eucalyptus forrestiana Eucalyptus lehmannii Eucalyptus maculate Eucalyptus nicholii Eucalyptus nutans Eucalyptus platypus Eucalyptus polyanthemos Eucalyptus sideroxylon Eucalyptus torquata Eucalyptus viminalis Eucalyptus qunnii

If in doubt about your tree variety, monitor water needs by digging into the soil and checking for moisture at least 2 feet (0.5 m.) down in the dry season and watch the plant’s leaves for signs of wilting or stress.

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