Indoor Plants for Home Offices

Choosing plants for workspaces in your home is similar to that of any houseplant you have. Consider growing conditions, such as available light and space, when choosing houseplants for a home office. Generally, plants for workspaces are relatively compact, but in the home nearly anything goes. Most require little care and tolerate occasional neglect. Here are a few suggestions for home office space plants.

Pothos (Epipremnum): A popular office plant for good reason. It’s a lovely, fast growing plant that cascades gracefully from hanging baskets or high shelves. Pothos tolerates both shady corners and sunny windows. It likes to be watered every few days but will survive an occasional period of dryness. 

English ivy (Hedera helix): Requires very little attention once the roots are established. Although English ivy is good for cool, air conditioned offices and thrives in filtered bright light to low light, this woodland plant doesn’t do as well with direct, intense sunlight or dramatic temperature swings.

ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia): This plant is enjoyed for its shiny, dark green leaves. Super hardy, it prefers moderate to bright light but tolerates low light or fluorescent bulbs. Periods of drought are also okay but, ideally, ZZ plants should be watered when the top two inches (5 cm.) of potting mix feel dry to the touch. 

Snake plant (Sansevieria): Also known as mother-in-law’s tongue, this is a distinctive plant with stiff, upright leaves. The plant can go a long time without water and, as a rule, monthly irrigation is plenty. Snake plant, which tolerates both heat and air conditioning, is a good choice for a shady corner. 

Rex begonia (Begonia rex cultorum): An exotic, colorful plant that is surprisingly easy to grow. Although you may occasionally be awarded with a pretty bloom, rex begonia is valued for its interesting foliage. While it doesn’t appreciate intense light, it needs moderate or bright indirect light to bring out the bold colors in the leaves. Water only when the soil feels dry to the touch.

Cactus: Cactus, as well as other succulent plants, is always one of the best office space plants. Choose from a huge range of colors, forms, and sizes then water sparingly. Ensure the cactus gets plenty of direct sunlight.

These, of course, are merely suggestions. Depending on your available space, indoor conditions, and personal preferences, you could even include a potted tree or another large floor plant, like citrus, rubber tree plant, parlor palm, and dracaena.

Tips on Growing Office Space Plants

If the light is limited, you may want to invest in a small desktop grow light. (Some even plug into the USB port on your computer). Most home office plants benefit from light feeding during spring and summer. If you’re busy or forgetful, a slow-release fertilizer will provide nutrients gradually for three months or more, depending on the type.

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