Trees for Zone 6

If you live in plant hardiness zone 6, the coldest winter temperatures dip to between 0 degrees and -10 degrees Fahrenheit (-18 to -23 C.). This is chilly for some people, but a lot of trees love it. You’ll find plenty of options for growing trees in zone 6. Take a look at your garden and figure out what type of trees would work best. Think height, light and soil requirements, and whether you prefer evergreen trees or deciduous trees. Evergreens offer year-round texture and screening. Deciduous trees provide autumn color. You may find room for both types of trees in zone 6 landscapes.

Evergreen Trees for Zone 6

Evergreen trees can create privacy screens or serve as stand-alone specimens. Zone 6 hardy trees that happen to be evergreen include the American arborvitae, a very popular choice for hedges. Arborvitaes are sought after for hedges because they grow fast and accept pruning. But for taller hedges you can use Leyland cypress, and for lower hedges, check out boxwood (Buxus spp.). All thrive in zones that are chilly in winter. For specimen trees, pick an Austrian pine (Pinus nigra). These trees grow to 60 feet (18 m.) tall and are drought resistant. Another popular choice for trees for zone 6 is Colorado blue spruce (Picea pungens) with its magnificent silvery needles. It grows to 70 feet (21 m.) high with a 20 foot (6 m.) spread.

Deciduous Trees in Zone 6 Landscapes

Dawn redwoods (Metasequoia glyptostroboides) are one of the few deciduous conifers, and they are zone 6 hardy trees. However, consider your site before you plant. Dawn redwoods can shoot up to 100 feet (30 m.) tall. A more traditional choice for deciduous trees in this zone is the lovely little Japanese maple (Acer palmatum). It grows in full sun or partial shade and most varieties mature to under 25 feet (7.5 m.) tall. Their fiery fall color can be spectacular. Sugar maples and red maples are also great deciduous trees for zone 6. Paper bark birch (Betula papyrifera) is a fast growing favorite in zone 6. It’s as lovely in autumn and winter as summer, with its golden autumn display and creamy peeling bark. The attractive catkins can hang onto the bare tree branches until spring. Do you want flowering trees? Flowering zone 6 hardy trees include saucer magnolia (Magnolia x soulangeana). These lovely trees grow to 30 feet (9 m.) tall and 25 feet (7.5 m) wide, offering glorious blossoms. Or go for red dogwood (Cornus florida var. rubra). Red dogwood earns its name with red shoots in spring, red flowers and red fall berries, beloved by wild birds.

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